Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Things I like: The guy who plays Voldemort in a Very Potter Musical

I don't like Harry Potter. I'm just gonna put that out there. Not even when he is played by Darrin Criss, one of the hottest guys on the planet.

                                          Um....not in that picture.

                             Much better.

Anyway, as I was saying, I'm not a big HP fan. But I absolutely love a Very Potter Musical. I've seen just enough of the movies to understand what's going on and why most of the jokes are funny. Plus, the music is outstanding. But I think the real reason I love AVPM is this guy:

 For those of you that haven't seen it yet, that's Lord Voldemort (when he was
 still a parasite living on the back of that Professor's Head.) He is hilarious. He is like the ultimate, loveable, evil villain. He is adorable. And his facial expressions are fantastic. The relationship between him and Professor-what's-his-name is absolutely hilarious. Pretty much anytime they are on stage, I get really happy. So I decided to do some stalking and see what this guy would look like without the horrifying undead makeup.

That is one beautiful dark Lord. If I were a better stalker, I'd look up what he's doing now but that just seems like a lot of extra work. Today I salute you, fake Lord Voldemort. May you get to be insanely well known but so well known that we never meet.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Free Gourmet Filled Cupcakes

If you don't live in West Michigan, you just might want to breeze over this entry because it is sure to make you sick (and sad) with envy. If you do live in West Michigan, read on. Today, I salute the free Gourmet Filled Cupcakes at Arnie's Bakery and Restaurants.

That's right. Free. (With the purchase of a meal, of course).

These cupcakes are AWESOME. There are literally no words to describe how moist and delicious and airy they are...and believe me, I've had my share of cupcakes. But nothing compares to the ones at Arnies. They come in these fancy flavors like red velvet with cream cheese frosting and double chocolate and carrot cake. Of course, I always opt for the double chocolate. Chocolate frosting, chocolate cupcake, and inside...chocolate mousse.

Of course, by the time I finish my meal at Arnies, I am always so full that I can't stand to look at the cupcake. In those cases, I take it home, and have it as the perfect post breakfast snack like I did today.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

SCLQ: A website I like

Today I want to show my appreciation for one of the most hilarious and amazing websites out there..John Acuff's "Stuff Christians Like." Which goes perfectly with the theme of "Stuff I like."
Here is a link to the website:  http://www.jonacuff.com/stuffchristianslike/
Go there and check it out. The list is quite extensive, and it discusses such important items as 
  • Rob Bell (#28- please note that this was pre Love Wins)
  • Metrosexual Worship Leaders (#43)
  • Disguising Gossip as Prayer (#81..you know people who do this!)
  • Using "Let me pray about it" as a synonym for "No" (#116)
  • Breaking up after a retreat (#154)
  • Using "Love on" As a Verb (#192)
  • Fearing the Rapture would come before you lost your virginity (#64)
Those are just a few favorites. Now I haven't exhausted the entire list (there are new entries almost daily) but here a few that I think should be added, if they are not on the website already:
  • Romance Novels about Amish People
  • The Enthusiastic "Hug Everyone" Guy who, if he weren't at church, would be carefully avoided and shunned as a potential molester
  • Buying New Members with Awesome Freebies (Mugs, Luncheons, candy bars, etc. for first timers)
  • Saying their church is "not the typical church"
  • Coffee. Coffee. Coffee. 
  • Joining a church to "meet someone" (AKA- Find a spouse)
  • Being green but still using Styrofoam cups
You're welcome. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Bossypants: A book I like

Look how tricky I am. I said I wasn't going to write about just books but here I am, with my very first post, and it's about a book. This book is hilarious. It's by Tina Fey, which should tell you something right off the bat. I bought it for my Mom for her birthday and then promptly stole it and did not return it until after I had finished the entire book.

This book had me laughing so hard I was crying. I always knew Tina Fey was funny, but this book is seriously pure gold. Her self deprecating humor begins early on in the book as she talks about her childhood as an fugly duckling...who later grew into a still fugly, socially awkward grownup duckling with no fashion sense and a witty tongue. (Of course,  you'd feel bad laughing about it for too long if were true...but since Tina Fey is gorgeous and hilarious and famous now, it kind of balances out in my mind.) A lot of the humor in this book is aimed at the female sex...but most men will enjoy it too. (Unless the man in question is a caveman, a sexist jerk, or Sarah Palin's husband.)

Why This Isn't Just a Blog about Books or a Really, Really Long Explanation of What This Blog is About

I really, really like books.

 Originally, I'd had this thought that I was going to write a blog about the books I'm reading. I wanted to make a blog about all of the good (and not-so-good) books I've read so that other people can benefit from my experience and excellent taste in books.

But due to a fear of commitment, I could not reconcile myself to committing to write a blog about just one topic. Eventually I would tire of it, and my book blog would go down the same road as my late "Current Affairs" blog, which was preceded in death by my "Deeps Thoughts about Life", "Religion", and "Top Five Lists" blogs.

Instead, inspired by the hilarious Mindy Kaling, I am settling on turning this into a "Things I Like" blog...which is not total rip off because her blog consists of "Things I like That I Bought." I am not limiting myself in such a way. There are plenty of things that I like that you can't buy...such as fall colors in Michigan, sleeping in late, and Harry Shum Jr. (At least I can't buy him...Mindy probably could because I am certain she makes more money on The Office than he does on Glee.) Anyhow, I hope you enjoy my blog. If you are actually still reading at this point.